
30 before 30

I have a new project for myself.....
Josh and I were having a discussion about how old we are and we were realizing that we are closer to 30 than 20 now.  I remember thinking that 30 was soooo grown up.  It seemed so far away.  But here I am...26, with 30 kinda closing in on me.  It's funny how we tend to think that we'll get to this or that "later".  How many of us have things that we wanna do "someday"?  I have several things that I've always said I'll do someday.  I'm giving myself a deadline.  Here are my 30 things I want to accomplish before I turn 30.

I want to:

~Participate in worship ministry again  ( here )
~Teach C how to sew.
~Obtain an upright piano  ( here )
~Paint something on canvas and hang it on the wall
~Be the speaker at a womens event
~Make a quilt
~Have another baby and deliver it VBA2C
~Master my serger
~Visit another state
~Master enough Japanese to use it
~Record a Japanese worship album
~Sell something handmade in a boutique
~Become comfortable on my guitar
~Set up my backyard homestead  (here here and here )
~Have the Okinawa crew over for dinner
~Picnic in Golden Gate Park
~Write/record an original song
~Beat Josh in a game of chess
~Make a difference in someone's life
~Cook A->Z with C
~Change a tire all by myself
~Give someone a makeover
~Win a contest  ( here  and here )
~Wash my hair in a waterfall
~Make my own headboard
~Attend a concert
~Take a class
~Milk a cow
~Learn how to shoot a gun.
~Blog through it all

And there you have it!

Will you tackle some of the things you have been wanting to do also?  You can do it!


Miranda said...

Speaking from experience, there's nothing like selling something you made yourself...or shooting a shotgun for that matter. haha! Good luck with your 30 before 30! Especially the VBA2C, that would be such an amazing experience/accomplishment. :)

Gemma said...

I'm 30 this year! I've already experienced a lot though. All I ask is my daughter stays healthy!

Good luck with the list, it's realistic so will be checking in on your progress. Following you back :) x

Unknown said...

I love your list! You can check off "Make a Difference in Someone's Life" you INSPIRE me so much. One thing that is so great about your list is that God is smiling down on you and when you ask for His blessings, anything can happen! Good luck, I believe in you.