
Squishy update

So, after visiting the OB on Monday, we got some news that we weren't really expecting.  While we were indeed hopeful that the doctor would have clear answers for us, we weren't anticipating the answers that we got.  My doctor has an ultrasound machine right in his office, so we were able to do a scan and have the doctor access it right at the same time.  The first thing I noticed about the office (it was my first visit) was how dark it was in there.  The office is inside a larger building, so there are no windows that let in any natural light.  I was thinking about how I think I would go crazy working in there without a window to the outside world to look out of.  I also thought the waiting room could use a re-style.  Or background music.  Or a TV... or anything to pass the hour long wait.  But I digress.  Here is my ultrasound picture:

So here is the diagnosis.  As you can see in the photo, there is a dark area towards the bottom.  On the right is my placenta, and you can see as it comes down to the left, it separates from the uterine wall.  About 30% of it has separated.  Under that portion, you can see the blood pooling from when it came off.  The doctor says I can expect to bleed that out yet.  I've been spotting a bit since then, and I expect that that's what is to blame for it.  For the time being, Squishy is fine.  "Perfectly fine" as the doctor said.  The goal now is to keep the remainder of the placenta from detaching.  My official diagnosis is that I have a "partial placental abruption".  So here are the FAQs

The baby can survive on as little as 1/7 of the placenta, so there is no immediate danger to Squishy.  However, the risk of further separation is possible.  This could lead to early delivery and a low weight baby.  On the other hand, there has been the rare reported case of the abruption healing.  Now, I know my God can do miracles, so I am praying that He intervenes and allows that to be my case. 

I am on modified bed rest at home for now.  This means that I'm able to sit up, eat at the table, and shower as often as I like.  I'm hoping that I'm able to do the remainder of my bedrest time at home as opposed to needing to be in the hospital for any length of time.  Ballerina and Hipster are being troopers, but they really need me at home with them. 

Speaking of Hipster... it's been a bit hard for me as my days wearing him and nursing him have come to a swift end.  To prevent further detachment, I can't allow anything that would cause the uterus to contract.... ie... nursing.  The chances that this would make a difference are small, but I'm not willing to take any of those chances.  Hipster is three now, so I think he won't be too adversely affected by weaning.  I've told him that we have to save the num nums for the baby.  He understands.  He tells me that he is 'mad', but then he moves on.  Today is the second day that we've gone the entire day without nursing at all, and he has yet to get too upset over it.  We were winding down anyway.  But it's still an abrupt ending to an era with him.  By the time i'm off bedrest, I'll have a new baby and he'll be 3.5, so the days of wearing him are pretty much done as well.  Sigh.  He's getting too big, too fast. 

So for now, we wait.  We pray.  We praise the Lord for each day we have.  And we look forward to the day that we can hold Squishy in our arms and bring him/her home.  Please join us in prayer for the following:

That the abruption would heal.
That if it does not, that I would be able to carry this baby to term
That the Lord would sustain our family through the difficulty of my being on bedrest. 
That my children would be easy going and wouldn't feel lost in the shuffle of this chaotic time in our lives.
That Hipster would continue to be relatively unbothered by his weaning and that it wouldn't take long for him to move on.
That the Lord would show me His purpose in this time, that I would have peace and direction and a sound mind while stuck in bed for the next 6 months. 
That the abruption would not get worse throughout the duration of the pregnancy.

And that's about it for now folks.  Life around here will be a bit different for a while, but I invite you to follow me in my journey on here.  I go back for a follow up on the 14th of August, so I will update ya'll after that.  Stay tuned and stay in prayer! 

Thanks so much. 

~From my couch to your home~

1 comment:

Alicia Dieder said...

Glad to hear that you and the baby are doing well! That whole ordeal was probably very scary. I am glad hipster is doing pretty good at weaning, it might make him a little less jealous when the baby comes. A good friend of mine had a lot of bleeding during her pregnancy as well, it eventually stopped and she carried her daughter full term. I hope the same is true with you:)