
DIY potting bench.

This past weekend, my hubs built me this super handy bench for my herb pots to sit on outside.  This is how I was storing them before he worked his magic:

It was very hard to keep Hipster from rolling them all over the yard... it's just so stinkin' fun, ya know?

So Hubby got right to work to solve my issues.  

He had scrap wood from the scrap section at Home Depot and some fence post ends.  You know... the cedar ones that you find in the fencing section.  

Lay two pieces down parallel to each other and nail your fence scraps to them like so:

This is what it looks like once you flip it over so that the long sides are on the top.  Next you will need 4 pieces that are the length you want for your bench legs.  Cut them all equal.

Adorable observing toddler optional.

Attach them with screws to the inside of your side pieces.  

Next, you'll want to reinforce the legs just a bit.  

We just nailed more pieces around the outside... Like a frame.  

Voila!  Easy Peasy Bench.

Thanks Hubby!

If you painted it, it could look a bit more polished.  I, however, prefer the rugged look.  

Good luck!

1 comment:

Tereasa said...

Awesome! Looks beautiful. Although, I liked the wagon, too. ;)