
Mother's Day gifts....

I had fun making things for Mother's Day this year.  I had some odds and ends and a limited budget, so this is what I came up with.

This was my first ever attempt at a pillow.  I made the cover a tad small, but I think it turned out ok in the end.  Man alive..... getting the letters on there was harder than I thought.  It's hard to keep them straight.  I had 500 zillion pins in it and it's still a tad wonky.  It works though.  I hope my MIL likes it!
See?  Wonky.  Quirky.  Unique.

I also sewed a dryer sheet into it so it would smell nice.  I love dryer sheets.  I keep them under my fitted sheet on the bed so the sheets are always fresh smelling.  Try it!!

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